Update to v1.1

ThisAssembly was Updated to Version 1.1!

Here's the full list of changes:

> Added a Timer, aswell as a record of time for when you finished each stage. Press [t] to display/hide the timer, again for segments, and again to hide both.
> Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash before the end credits could be displayed. Whoops!
> moved the button for reloading the current room from [q] to [r]. Hopefully that prevents some accidental reloads!
> Added a 3 frame Cooldown to shooting, but holding a shot button down for a second now auto-fires every 3 frames.
> Updated the ingame text to include [right arrow] as a button you can press to shoot.
> The player is no longer able to attach parts if this would result that attachment group getting stuck in collision.
> Moving platforms now stop instead if they were to push the player downwards.
> Added a very rare (one in a million) chance for any given Particle spawned by the Jetpack to be a shade of green, rather than the usual red/orange.
> Fixed a bug that prevented the text that tells the player to restart when their head gets saw'd from being displayed correctly, and made that text appear 2 seconds earlier.
> Added some bug that should prevent conveyors from pushing the player into collision in rare occasions.
> Changed the code that governs what happens when the player stack is pushed into collision (especially when moving diagonally into the orange shootable blocks). Now, rather than clipping the Player to a sometimes very far away location, is more lenient and will even let the player clip their head into blocks if done correctly.


ThisAssembly v1.1.rar 9 MB
Jun 23, 2021

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